The Battle of the Leap Lords was the second Indie Pogo tournament, and the first of an ongoing series, hosted on August 25th, 2018.
This tournament was the second tournament in the history of Indie Pogo, hosted by Munkee Haruka and Trevor Lowe. The commentators were Munkee Haruka, YopAlonso, Mustache, and Trevor Lowe. It was livestreamed on Mustache's Twitch channel.
¿Query?, Windchilled, lowebros, MunkeeHaruka, etehwierdokid, boatman_, BML42, DD, Ocanha_Brazil, Green_Heart, EtherealFool, mccgavin, SirJameside, AceEliteMaster, Indarea, Scooter29, Dead Line, Mustache9, Bandana_Blue, VixyNyan, OrderUp, luckyloomagu, Saxdude26, Slenderman2203, Frankie Somnium, Ceeel, ToonTepig, Anim8mylife, Megaphantaze, TheGameZpro3, Noice, bingobingo123, NBlast, lovely_Ribeiro, fss124, Chaoko, MouthWideOpen, Toasted, and Drazglb
Top 8[]
These were the top 8 highest-placing players of the tournament. Congratulations!
1st: ¿Query? - Fishy, Teslakid, Viridian
2nd: Vvvvvvöłta - Viridian
3rd: Ocanha - Lilac
4th: boatman - CommanderVideo
5th: Munkee Haruka - Blockman, Orcane
5th: OrderUp - Velocispider, Stardrop
7th: lowebros (Trevor Lowe) - Blockman, Orcane, Teslakid, Stardrop, Jack
7th: Drazglb - Fishy