Indie Pogo Wiki

This patch fixes some stability issues. As part of that, the game is being compiled in a different way. An unintended consequence of that means those who have already started modding the game via unofficial methods, may not be able to do so any longer. Developers will look into modding via official means, but for now the elimination of certain bugs takes priority.

Patch Notes[]

  • New New code compiling system that increases game stability
  • Bugfix Fixed 2v2 online crash bug when stage choice isn't host
  • Change Rework Camera tweaks make seeing the ground easier on Space Junction and Afterlife Hub
  • Bugfix Shovel Knight bug fixed when Teslakid magnetizes him
  • Change Rework Arcade Bonus: SUPER Finish now counts if you KO enemy via blast zone
  • New Pressing Start now lets you quit out of tutorial if it's been completed once
  • Change Rework Pogo Pantheon challenge now changes the costume for whichever fighter you're playing as to reduce confusion