Indie Pogo Wiki

This article is about content for Indie Pogo which didn't make it into the final game.



Main article : Bart

While Bart appears as a trophy in the final game, his playable appearance remains scrapped.


Heart is a character owned by AHEARTFULOFGAMES and was originally going to be a playable fighter in Indie Pogo. He comes from the game Heart & Slash and was scrapped due to rights issues.


Rogue is a character owned by Pixelscopic and was originally going to be a playable fighter in Indie Pogo. She comes from the game Delver's Drop and was scrapped due to being from an unfinished game.


Joylancer is a character owned by alpha six productions and was originally going to be a playable fighter in Indie Pogo. She comes from the game The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight and was scrapped due to being from an unfinished game.



Cursed Walking Blockman (2)

Blockman Walking

Walking is a scrapped mechanic that allowed characters to walk. To access it, the player needed to hold the parkour trigger in the ground to stand, and, after that, use the left stick to move. The player could also jump out of walking. It was tested on Blockman, however it was replaced by parkour.[1]

"First and foremost, because you have so much extra mobility, matches tend to last a lot longer, because no one's able to land hits on each other that well. With the ability to walk and run, the pacing of the matches just doesn't feel good anymore. Couple that with the fact that you now always have to hold the trigger in order to run, it kinda defeats the purpose of the autojumping and the game therefore loses its identity. Even more so, we found through play tests that your finger kinda gets tired from holding the trigger the whole time, which begs the question 'Well, should there just be a toggle?" ― Trevor, explaining why the walking mechanic was removed.

Despite all of this, the mechanic was reintroduced in Patch, in the new Augments mode. Currently, only Blockman, Bullet-Kin, and Velocispider can use it, though more characters are planned to be able to equip the augment at a later date.

Visual Augments

These type of augments would have had no impact on gameplay, but instead give the player visual effects each time he/she roll kicked or jumped. In these sketches, we see 3 different visual augments.

Cauldron Breaking

Three sprites that have been in the sprite sheet since patch show Diogenes's cauldron in what appears to be three different states of damage. Whether this was just battle damage or the cauldron could shatter is currently unknown.

Concept Art

On September 25th, 2019, the Lowe Bros. Twitter account tweeted concept art drawn by Tyler for the Heavy Metal update. Many of the pieces included mechanics not present in the final update.

The original thread can be viewed here.


